A Place for Friendship
Nothing quite compares to the joy of friends who genuinely care. That is why we make it a priority to build bonds of friendship between those who attend. Best of all, this circle of care is ever widening. We would love for it to include you.

A Place for Worship
Everyone has a God created desire to have a personal experience with God. We extend a call to every person, at every age level, to seek and find God in a meaningful experience of worship. God has promised to reveal Himself to any that seek Him wholeheartedly.
A Place for Learning
Studying the Bible is vital because it not only instructs us intellectually, but also guides us spiritually. We believe and accept it as God's word to humanity, a book that is alive and relevant to life today. Learning its truth is a thrilling adventure.
Gathering Times
Sunday School: 9:30am
Sunday Worship: 11am
Wednesday Prayer Group: 6:30pm
Sunday Worship: 11am
Wednesday Prayer Group: 6:30pm